Early leavers from education and training

time:2024-09-07 author:

This article presents statistics on early leavers from education and training in the European Union (EU) and forms part of the online publication Education and training in the EU - facts and figures. Early leavers are defined as individuals aged 18-24 who have completed at most a lower secondary education and were not in further education or training during the four weeks preceding the labour force survey (LFS). It is important to follow the developments of this group, as early leavers from education and training can face challenges when trying to get established in the labour market. Education has become an increasingly important factor when employers are hiring employees. Leaving education early can also have significant consequences for the individual, as well as for society, in the long term.
The EU set an EU-level target stipulating that the share of early leavers from education and training should be less than 9 % by 2030. In 2023, an average of 9.5 % early leavers from education and training was identified within the EU. However, there were differences between EU countries, with several having already met the EU-level target for 2030. The results also varied between women and men as well as between young people living in areas with different degrees of urbanisation, both within countries and between the EU countries.

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